As well as the usual price per commission/project, our customers occasionally require the supply of technical
staff to help smooth out humps within the engineering process. This enables the customer to
keep a core body of technical staff, which can be complemented with skilled personnel
from outside their organisation to fufill specialised tasks or help allivate burdensome workflow as needed. We have had such arrangements
with several of our customers.
The idea is based upon our customer defining at the start of the year what resource usage they anticipate throughout the course
of that year. Concept2Engineering in turn guarantee to provide these services with the appropriate level of experience. The
remuneration is based upon the utilisation of the resource, thus allowing our customers access to highly skilled individuals at a fraction of the cost of employing.
The character of this service typically requires the prolonged engagement of C2E's engineers, so availability will depend upon individual
work schedules. Usually, this service is to provide project managers however our skills may also be available for consultancy
or design work as part of a team.